StartseiteDer StupaStupa in Grafenwörth


Dear Friends!

2016 in Austria a World Peace Monument is coming into being – a Peace Stupa!

Here, as agreed, the most relevant facts about the Great beneficial Stupa building in Austria:

The great Stupa that brings blessings - a Symbol of love

The Stupa will be built on a beautiful stretch of land (3.2 acres) near the Castle of Grafenegg in the Wachau, a picturesque valley in Lower Austria. The Danube Wachau Valley is one of the most beautiful places in Europe.

Who is initiator of the project?
The Stupa will be built by the Stupa-Institute. Head of the project is the Buddhist monk Bop Jon Sunim Tenzin Tharchin. He is a Korean monk living in Austria.
Sunim Tenzin Tharchin was already the initiator of the Stupa in Zalaszanto, Hungary, inaugurated in 1993 by His Holiness The Dalai Lama.
His Holiness The Dalai Lama signed and blessed the Stupa-plan and gave us five relics of the Buddha.

His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang dedicated a facsimile copy of The Golden Dragon Sutras written in gold to us. There are only six facsimile-copies left in the world.

The Korean lady Kim Sun Hwa offers Sunim the only collection of the complete Korean Buddhist Canon to place it into the Stupa. This is the most comprehensive collection about life and the universe that still exists in South Korea.

The Stupa should also become a memorial for world peace as the Buddha prophesied that in our time we are experiencing a particularly hard time. It will be the Stupas, which rescue all sentient beings.

This Symbol of Peace in Lower Austria will become an international project as people from all over the world will be pleased with it and would like to participate in it.

The Stupa will be financed by donations. Every support is welcome.

What is a Stupa for?
The Stupa is a symbol of enlightenment and represents the Buddha’s Mind.
A Stupa is a manifestation of the Enlightened Mind – permeated by infinite wisdom and compassion towards all sentient beings. For that reason it is a Monument for World Peace, for happiness and mutual understanding.

A Stupa creates a space of concentration. It is an imposing structure; possessing strong attraction and radiance that can lead people together in a joint quest for peace and create a partnership for spreading the message of peace – the Stupa acts as a counterbalance to the suffering in the world. It is also a symbol of the awakened mind, which is pervaded with limitless wisdom and compassion for all living beings. It should stand for a monument opposed to whatever violence in the name of religion. It is setting a sign opposed to dissension and egoism within our global reality of living, for bringing people together, for sustaining exchange of thought, and for establishing harmony among people apart from worldviews and ideological positions.

According to the teachings of The Buddha, Stupas should be built for peace and the benefit of all beings, especially during our time of sorrow.
Dear Stupa friends, we would like to invite you from the heart to find rest and strength at this ancient healing place amidst the vineyards nearby the Wagram.
With your contribution for peace by your kind donation you will be connected with the Stupa forever. Please make your contribution for the realization of this magnificent project – Peace-Park, Monument – a location of silence and reflection, and of intercultural and spiritual encounter, meant to host lectures, public talks and public dialogue.

We offer you the opportunity to become part of this very special project. Through your support a vision can come true, that will not only make the region highly renowned but moreover will be of international importance.

The Stupa in Austria will be an international project that needs strong support. We would be enormously thankful for any of your contribution and for forwarding our request.

Please make your donations to one of our bank accounts:

Unicredit Bank Austria AG
IBAN: AT05 1200 0512 4404 4044

Raiffeisenbank Baden
IBAN: AT27 3204 5000 0020 8116

Our cordial thanks for your donation!

Peace Stupa Austria Grafenwörth Vision
We are a team, which is building a stupa with heartfelt commitment. We are certain that a stupa is a blessed place of happiness, joy, restfulness, and patience for all beings on this planet. We would like to invite Buddhists, people from all religions and visitors to the Stupa for prayers, meditation, and contemplative insight.
It is our intention that people will find their way to cultivate strength and let go their burdens. Further, that people uncover and cultivate their own mind as well as experience joy and universal love. The Stupa should become a place of communication and exchange.
Deep insight teaches us that all beings are interdependently related. Therefore, all who are involved in this project treat one another with great respect and appreciation.
Our endeavors are understood as an impulse into the religious and worldly area with the aim to manifest a symbol of peace. We are confident that many people will help us and support us.

Buddhism in Austria
Buddhism can be traced back to Siddartha Gautama, who was born some 2500 years ago in the city of Lumbini, which lies in Nepal. Buddhism in Austria can look back on a history of more than 120 years. Buddhism was officially recognized by the Austrian government in 1983. The relationship between Christians and Buddhists can be described as excellent. Further, Austrian Buddhism sustains exceptional relationships and a culture of constant dialogue with all other state-approved religions, which are domiciled in Austria. Buddhist orders, Dharma-groups, and Institutes like the Stupa-Institut are members of the Austrian Buddhist Society (ÖBR). The Austrian Buddhist Society is the umbrella organization for all Austrian Buddhist traditions and groups and the official “voice” of Buddhism in Austria.
In recent decades, several stupas with a size of up to 30m have been built in many places around the globe as well as in Austria (e.g. the stupas in Graz and Vienna).
More than 30 000 Austrians are Buddhist. Much more people devote themselves to Buddhism in order to find their spiritual way. The way of the Buddha is a way of personal development. This path should guide one to insight and knowingness. The aim of Buddhism is the realization of Buddha-hood. This means to be free from all difficulties and sufferings as well as to unfold and mature all the qualities and abilities latent in our mind.
Positive actions lead to joy and happiness, negative actions, on the other hand, can lead to pain and suffering. This means that we are not subject to a predestined fate yet, we are responsible for the quality of our lives. Personal development can also engender the development of society. Buddhism is not seen as the only true way. However, Buddhism is one among all other religions of equal right that offer guidance in situations of spiritual distress and mundane hardship. English

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